I am delighted to share that I have successfully completed my Master's degree in research. This achievement is marked by the completion of two comprehensive reports:
1. **Berville L.** Fourmis invasives : Comportement d’invasion, distribution mondiale et ses conséquences. Rapport bibliographique - Master 2, Université de Tours. 2009, 36pp. 2. **Berville L.** Comportements agonistiques et signatures chimiques de Linepithema humile (Mayr) en Corse et le long du littoral de la région Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur. Rapport de stage - Master 2, Université de Tours & IMEP. 2009, 43pp. These reports delve into the fascinating world of invasive ants, exploring their invasion behaviors, global distribution, and the associated impacts. The research also investigates the agonistic behaviors and chemical signatures of Linepithema humile in south France. I am excited to continue my journey in ecological research and contribute further to this field. |
August 2024